I received a 1099-S in the mail for half the sales price that the auctioned returned. I cant really figure out how to report this. Since you cant claim a loss on personal property, does that mean that the amount in box 2 of 1099-S has to be reported as income??? ======>>>>>>>>> Box 2, indicate the gross proceeds from the transaction ,usually the selling price. While you can deduct interest costs for investments, the deduction is limited to the investment income realized. If you sell at a loss compared to the purchase price, there won't be any investment income to be offset so your mortgage interest payments are lost as far as any tax benefit is concerned.
A little lost and all the reading has me somewhat confused. I am thinking that I may need to file a Schedule D and Form 8949 with my 1040????=====>>>>>>>>>>as you sell at a loss, this is treated as any long-term capital loss would be. You use it to offset any capital gains in the year of the sale long term first then short termand then up to $3k against other ordinary income. If any loss remains at that point, you carry the balance forward to the next tax year and repeat the process - against long term gains first, then short term gains, and then another $3kagainst other ordinary income. This process continues year-on until the loss is wiped out.
Will this cause me to have pay taxes on the half the sales price? ===========>>>>>>>>>>as mentioned boce; you do not need to pay taxes on the sale at a loss. |