My 17 year old stepson received his W-2 from his employer. He earned right about $6,000 for 2014. Can he file a tax return as long as he states that he is still being claimed as a dependent?======>>>>>>Actually, He does not need to file his return(unless his unearned income, i.e, interest capital gain or dividend income) as his gross income was less than $6,100.
There has been some confusion/arguing between mom and dad about whether or not he should file. ======> as mentioned above unless his income was more than $6,100 , his std deduction for 2014, no need to file his return.
From what I have read, it looks like if he files and declares that he is still claimed as a dependent, that is ok, he will just only be eligible for a refund on what he paid, if that.
Is that correct?========>>>>>>>>>>. Ok I see what you mean in that case to get his refund(his payroll taxes withheld from his paychecks), yes he need to file his return despite he is your dependent. |