If I enter this information when doing my taxes in box 6 of the 1099-Misc it then wants me to enter self-employment information and then complete schedule C. Am I suppose to enter this amount somewhere else on my tax return?======>>>>>>>>> Because you are not in the trade or business of providing medical care, I think it is reasonable to take the position that this is not self-employment income, and that it is not subject to self-employment tax. So I think you could put it on line 21 on 1040. The instruction is not the reporting documents that determine the taxation of an item; rather, it is the nature and character of the income or expense that determines its treatment under the tax law; the IRS instructions are not the tax law. At best, they are an IRS interpretation of the tax law. But in this case, they may not even be that. They are just instructions, which arguably do not account for all possible variables.So I the income is not subject to SE tax. But you better attach an explanation or a disclosure/ with a letter explaining the facts and circumstances or you will probably get an IRS letter.
Do I even have to claim this at all on my tax return? Is this even taxable income?========>>>>>>>>>>as mentioned above. Each time you may send the same letter in response and the tax and penalties ‘d be abated. |