Originally Posted by dphickel Where does a family mineral trust enter depletion for oil and gas production? |
Mineral owners are allowed tax relief by the IRS for producing and depleting nonrenewable resources such as oil and gas.i guess A distribution of cash or property from a trust may or may not be a taxable event. Rather, you should look to the sch K-1 the trust distributes to its beneficiaries to determine your reportable items. If a trust is invested in an oil & gas partnership and is entitled to deduct depletion, it may elect to pass through such deductions to the beneficiaries. You should see the reportable deductions on your K-1;depletion deductions for property held by a trust are apportioned between the income beneficiaries and the trust depending on the provisions of the trust. Report your allocable depletion deductions to the income beneficiaries in box 9 using code B of 1041 on Form 8582 of Sch E, line 33, column (c) or (e).