Generally speaking you would have to definitely file a partnership tax return in the State of Alabama. You would then receive a K-1 from Alabama as a non-resident.
You would have to report the Alabama income from the K-1 on your Alabama State Individual Income Tax return and may have a tax liability for that State.
You would not have to file a Florida partnership tax return, in my opinion. Florida does not require an Individual Tax return and thus the K-1 income would not subject to Florida Tax.
If you are making a payment, mail your return
with payment voucher (Form BIT-V) and payment to:
Alabama Department of Revenue
Individual and Corporate Tax Division
Corporate Tax Section
PO Box 327435
Montgomery, AL 36132-7435 :
If you are not making a payment, mail your return to :
Alabama Department of Revenue
Individual and Corporate Tax Division
Corporate Tax Section
PO Box 327430
Montgomery, AL 36132-7430 |