Eligibility to Claim Travel/Meal/Laundry Expense on H1 Hi,
I get different answers from people on whether or not people on H1 can claim the amount spent on commute to work, meals and laundry in itemized deduction.
As per IRS website , you can claim these only if you are away from home. I am a Indian citizen and working in USA.
I was in India for 3.5 months last year and worked in different states in USA. Can you please clarify on the criteria for itemized deductions.
Also, I made two India trips for vacation . Can these be claimed as any kind of deductions along with the amount i spent on taking gifts for friends in India? I do have the receipts for everything.
I have been coming at different times on H1. My last assignment started in April 2007 and Ended on June 28,2008. I was in India for a month in between on vacation. My current assignment started from Sept 24,2008 and will be valid till August 2009. In this scenario, can I claim the daily living expenses. I have been on H1 in USA in 2005 also for 11 months.
For my case, it entirely depends on project requirements. I keep visiting US for some time and mostly works from INdia only.
Mayank |