I own a franchise and the original I-9 was for my ssn, but subseqently, prior to receiveing any wages, we reported our ein and articles of incorporation. Apparently our I-9 was never changed though and now we have received a letter from the IRS wanting the taxes due on our income. This was for 2007, for which I never filed the taxes. I was going to file (s-corp) this month for both 2007 and 2008, but just received this notice from the IRS. We did contact our company several months ago asking them to change the I-9 but the couldn't help us for the past amounts earned, but they do have the changes for future earnings. I just can't pay what they want and don't know how to report the income as a business income. I am not sure I am being clear, but if someone can help me with this...point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it. I have been told that it can be fixed, just not how!
Thank you for your help.