Hi guys for past several weeks I've been doing taxes and searching for answers. Most of my life I've been making okay money then I got sick and 2015 was my first year back to workforce. Now please don't laugh at my check but unfortunately it's less than a half but I used to but who cares , next year will be better. Now here is the question.
Let me Give you numbers first:
Now no matter what I owe money. I mean even making a lot more for some reason I never paid I always put. 0 when get hired in the office (0 for no dependents/ single no married) And never really had any problem or owed anything.
Here is what TurboTax is telling me and break down of numbers.
Amount we start with for New York (federal adjusted gross income) - $32,520
What we can subtract - Standard deduction - $7,900
Amount taxed by New York = $24,620
Starting amount $1,253 - City of New York Resident Tax + $795
Money they give you back (credits)
- NYC School Tax Credit - $63
Money you already gave them (tax payments)
- State Tax Withholding - $1,405
- NYC Tax Withholding - $111
Taxes You Owe = $428
Can anyone please explain to me what happened ? I mean I am giving too little is that what is happening ? I mean If so , WHY is it happened to me ? Like I said before at all of my previous jobs when asked I always put 0 in dependent area and that I am single. That was it. They take maximum amount comparing to someone with +1 dependent or married.
I made $32520, why they deducting $7900 to make my actual taxable income $24620 ,why is it not more ... or less.
And then what's with Standard and then on top of it NYC tax ? What's that + 795 for ?
Can anyone explain and may be suggest on what to do because I am very confused.
Thank you !!
On this return I do receiving around $1500 refund from federal, so after -500 of state I'll end up +$1000 not too bad considering ....