Originally Posted by ayelynn I received my 1098-t the day after I originally submitted; I didn't even know I was receiving it.
The amounts haven't changed on the state when I added the 1098-the as the amended federal.
Does this make a difference? |
no;It may be to your benefit to amend, as the 1098-T may qualify you for some education credits. However, If you believe there to be no changes to your state return once you have amended your federal, then no, you do not need to amend your state as you said even if you reported 1098T on your amended federal return but the amounts have not changed on your state return, then you do not need to amend your state return. You would only amend your state return if the reason for amending your federal resulted in a change in the deductions, incomes, exemptions and so forth on your state return.