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For 2015 Tax Tips For Year 2015

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2017, 07:23 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 1
Tax Preparer Lied and is avoiding me.

Long story short my tax preparer lied and I didn?t find out until I got an audit letter in the mail. This was 2nd time filing my taxes and my first time using a ?professional? after my first time filing myself I ended up coming out even essentially

I called the IRS because obviously I was confused and learned that I had a business and filed a 1040c and that I marked it self prepared. I didn?t thinking anything was out of the normal considering her fee was a what seemed to be normal rate, and she had been doing taxes for years and a trustworthy friend suggested her. So I?ve now learned that the IRS wants me to pay back essentially 12k in taxes when I only received a return of 3,300 in total between state and local. Now my question is can I have my taxes amended for 2015 to not show whatever the crap is she added to at least set my self back to even as far as a legal correct return or am I stuck with paying this debt?

I?ve also looked into reporting this tax preparer but I believe she caught on or must have a history of some sort because once I told her I got the lady she said don?t worry I?ll call the IRS and ask for an extention and get this cleared up. However once I called them myself and found out her lies and asked about the 1040c her phone number has magically been changed.

I guess I?m just looking for advice as what would be the best avenue to take in terms of correctly the issue. It?s my fault at this point and know I have to pay SOMETHING but 12k seems outlandish for someone just oblivious to the fraudulent activity .

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2018, 05:14 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 1
What are those replies all about? I am not able to understand.

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