How do I prove that I have zero employees?=========>> you could run a company without employees. Not by running it as the sole resource, of course, but by significantly reducing your core staff base ? even to just yourself ? and hiring freelancers, independents or contractors to make up a talented and flexible workforce. as you can see 1099 independent contractors that you hire are not regular W2 employees.
I'm being sued under California Prop 65 by a lawyer known in the state for filing multiple frivolous lawsuits. Is there anything on the tax forms I can use to prove I don't employ anyone? ========>I believe that there is any specific official form with which youcan use to prove you don't employ any reguoalr W2 employees. You need to keep copies of 1099s that you issue for contractors that are not your regular W2 employees.I mean UNLESS you hire regular W2 employees, you do not need to issue W2s; you donot need W4s;for professional you need to contact an IRS Enrolled Agent/a CPA doing taxes in your local area |