The Buy or Lease of a Vehicle is a fairly complicated decision as it involves a myriad of calculations and technical terms. But, in an effort to assist our members and users we have installed this program into our website. We urge our members and users to use this program prior to purchasing or leasing a new vehicle as it could affect your decision
Where Can I Find the Program?
We have included a Program under the Tax Calculators Link under the Information section on the Home Page. Alternatively, you can access this program by simply clicking the hyperlink below;
Auto Buy or Lease Calculator- Ask TaxGuru
The Buy vs Lease program clearly spells out all the technical jargon that accompanies the Lease of a vehicle.
Users should enter the required data that is pertinent to the auto vehicle's purchase cost, downpayment, interest rate etc. Also, please enter the lease information, residual value, downpayment, depreciation etc.. The program will calculate the cost of the purchase of the vehicle and compare it to the lease expenses, and determine which is more expensive.