“I registered an LLC in Delaware. I live in VA, work out of my house, providing consulting services.What type of licenses, tax registration, etc. do I need and in what state?”----> As you are a LLC formed in a state , DE,other than Virginia, your LLC should register with Virginia before doing business to be "qualified" by the Virginia State Corporation Commission before you can start doing business in VA; Since you will be conducting all your business in your home state, VA,NOT DE, the LLC will be required to register as a "foreign" entity with the VA state and pay the fee to do business in the State You must submit an Application for Certificate of Authority to Transact Business in Virginia. As said previously, you registered in DE, so, you will have to file as a foreign corporation in your home state, VA. As an LLC, it costs $100.00 to qualify as a foreign company in Virginia. ( In general, as long as you do business in VA,I guess, you should form your LLC in VA. Evn though you form your LLC in DE, you will STILL need to register in VA because you will be transacting business there in VA; most business people choose to form their LLCs in the state in which they conduct the majority of their business. In Virginia, you, as a business owner, need to register with State Corporation Commission to form an LLC. You need to fill out article of organization and register with state corporation commission to form an LLC in Virginia. Go to
Virginia State Corporation Commission to print out the form, sign it and mail the original form with $100 filing fee payable to SCC. You also need to establish EIN or Employer Identification Number for tax purpose after forming a Limited Liability Company. Go to
Internal Revenue Service to apply online EIN). Please contact Dept of Revenue of VAS here:
Virginia SCC - Office of the Clerk or contact the Clerk’s Office at (804) 371-9733 or toll-free in Virginia at (866) 722-2551.