1099-Q - who files the form? Hi all,
First time user here looking for some assistance. I think I incorrectly posted this in a wrong forum, so hopefully this is the correct location for it.
I am currently a full-time student, claiming dependency under my parents who pay for my education-related expenses. I was recently sent a 1099-Q Qualified Education Program form by my parents for me to file. I am listed as the recipient, but I will be claimed as their dependent on their 2011 return. My question is: who files the form?
On a similar note, my parents also sent me a 1099-B form used for education. I'm the recipient again. Who files?
I am finding mixed signals from other forums. I would say that 60% are saying even though my name is on the form, I am still my parent's dependent so my parents need to file it. Other places are saying whoever's SSN is on the form is who files it. Lastly, I have also read whoever was mailed the form files it. If possible, could you refer me to where your answer is listed on the 1099-Q IRS form? I looked at them, but I couldn't find my answer there.
Thanks for your time and help!
- Satchmo05 |