“My employer does not offer 401 (k) plans.”----> 401 K plans are company sponsored retirement plans, so unless you have your own company, you cannot start one yourself. However, the same tax advantages are available as Roth IRA and traditional IRA accounts. These are available at any brokerage and to anyone meeting the income requirements. So, you can't get a 401K plan by yourself.
“Do I qualify to open a individual 401(k) a/c, if so can you share specifics on this. ( contribution limits etc)”-----> everyone is fully able to contribute to both a 401(k)(as long as your ER offers 401K) and an IRA. Of course there are maximums in place for these vehicles which must be adhered to. So the 2013 401(k) limit is $17,500 and the maximum contribution limit for IRA's is $5,000($ 6K if you’re age 50 or older),. So you may contribute to both a 401(k) and a traditional IRA in the same year. |