Originally Posted by rogo
#1; The rules per IRC Section 7703(b) are:
a. The abandoned individual pays more than half the cost of maintaining his/her household for the taxable year.
b. The individual files a separate tax return.
c. The individual’s household is the principal home of a dependent child for more than six months of the tax year and the individual is entitled to claim the dependency exemption (even if no claim is made).
d. The individual lives in a separate residence from his/her spouse for the last six months of the tax year.
#2;My question is that if both spouses meet the Abandoned Spouse rules, then are both entitled to use HH filing status?
#3;If so, it appears to be a way to intentionally get around the normal HH requirement of being unmarried in order to claim HH status. |
#2;Only one spouse who has been abandoned the relationship qualifies as AS and files as HOH;. If you lived with your child but your spouse has been gone from the home for at least the past six months, you qualify for the abandoned spouse rule. Usually, being married disqualifies a person from filing as a HOH. The abandoned spouse rule says that although you were technically married at the end of the year, you may file your taxes as a HOH.please read below.
#3;Then it can be tax fraud. Getting caught filing and claiming HOH fraudulently can and will you get HOH status. While many simply do not understand the HOH rules, many do know they shouldn't claim HOH but file under that status anyways. Aslongas/needelss to say,you claim HOH when you understand yu are not entitled to, it is tax fraud pure and simple. The IRS in a typical year audits less than 1% of returns to IRS so the likelihood is low that you will get caught if you file HOH when you should not. However, if both parents/spouses file HOH, the IRS will certainly contact both filers to find out who has the right to claim the exemption. One of the filers will need to amend their return.hi doesn’t man both of them CAN’T FILE their separate returns as HOH . I mean aslongas both you and your spouse live apart during the tax year, maintain separate households and each of you can claim a child or qualifying relative as a dependent, you can both file separate returns as HOH for your 1040s.