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  1. Standard Mileage Deduction / Actual Expense
  2. Mortgage Insurance Premium Deduction
  3. Miscellaneous Deductions
  4. reporting about personal loan interest
  5. Using Mortgage Interest Deduction instead of Student Loan Deduction
  6. New job started last year with only expenses - no income
  7. Deduction for Volunteer Trip to Lourdes, France
  8. tax break for a new safe designed to protect documents
  9. Truck
  10. tax information regarding casino losses deduction
  11. Commuter Mileage Deduction for Employee?
  12. real estate agent deduction
  13. Condominium Deposit Loss due to Developer Fraud - How to treat the loss on taxes?
  14. Property Tax and Alzheimer's
  15. nonbusiness travel hotel stay question
  16. deduction for pro-bono work?
  17. What are the limits on itemized deductions for 2009?
  18. Self-employed lab rat
  19. New To Taxes - Advertising vs Donations
  20. Upfront Mortgage Insurance
  21. Charitable deductions- airplane mileage
  22. Mortgage Interest and Property Taxes
  23. Itemized deductions when MFS and Head of household
  24. Need help with form 8283
  25. parking deduction
  26. Unreimbursed Expenses Deduction
  27. dependents while filing separately
  28. Working from home
  29. Verbal confirmation
  30. Work IN oilfield
  31. LifeCare Facility Medical Deduction
  32. Claiming 18 yr old
  33. 18 year old dependant
  34. Depedent Possible Problem
  35. My wife took a new job in another state
  36. Mortgage Interest for Joint Owners
  37. Married Filing seperate questions?
  38. itemized deduction carry-over
  39. upfront mortgage insurance premium tax deductible?
  40. Inherited house
  41. college student
  42. Vehicle transportation
  43. Franchise fee
  44. What is an " Item" claimed on Form 8283?
  45. What is an " Item" claimed on Form 8283?
  46. medical donations
  47. Education deduction while self-employed
  48. Expenses - Work place
  49. Work related expenses-what can I deduct?
  50. Due to death of earning spouse this year: Posting ad-valorum taxes
  51. IRS Allows deduction for sales & use tax imposed on purchase of new vehicles in 2009!
  52. Can taxpayer's deduct mortgage insurance premiums without income limitations?
  53. Should taxpayers use a Home Equity Loan (HELOC) to pay off credit card debt?
  54. Are airfare and hotel deductible when commuting to work out of state?
  55. Are home schooling expenses deductible?
  56. casualty loss on foreign residence
  57. Amended return after notice of examination
  58. Is the cost of "BOTOX Injections" deductible on my 2009 Tax Return?
  59. Is the Cost of "Lasic Eye Surgery" deductible on my 2009 Tax Return?
  60. Hurricane Ike
  61. H.I. Prem. - Deduction or Adjustment
  62. Mileage Deduction
  63. Child
  64. Property Tax Deduction
  65. itemized deduction: vehicle deduciton
  66. balance transfer fee
  67. Deductibility of Life Insurance for Sole Proprietor
  68. Deduction of first time travel expense of a spouse
  69. Itemized deductions
  70. Tuition Deduction
  71. Mortgage payments?
  72. unreimbursed casualty loss in a later year
  73. Charitable Contribution?
  74. Casualty Loss deduction
  75. Local transportation expenses
  76. Tax deduction on travel from overseas to buy retirement home in USA
  77. Repossed TimeShare due to non payment of dues
  78. Deductible home selling costs
  79. missed deductions
  80. Deduction Car Wash
  81. Treadmill for a home office
  82. Mother's medical expenses -Oregon/California
  83. Closing costs for vacant land purchase
  84. Deductions & carryovers
  85. 2 homes - points pd deduct in full or amoritize
  86. where would this amount go on the 1040A form
  87. Vehicle Deduction
  88. Vehicle Purchase - Deduction Question
  89. purchased a travel trailer for work
  90. Line 12 of form 1040
  91. Unsold home interest deductible
  92. Per Diem deductions
  93. Hurrican Ike Loss
  94. Eligibility to Claim Travel/Meal/Laundry Expense on H1
  95. Second Job..I think
  96. Gambling as a full time business
  97. I am a professor teaching online for a variety of universities
  98. Form 1040 Instructions for 2008 - Draft Available?
  99. question
  100. What Organizations are considered Nonqualified Charites by the IRS?
  101. Foreign Charities
  102. What happens when the taxpayer's contribution exceeds the allowable limits?
  103. What is the Deduction Limit for Qualified Conservation Contributions?
  104. What is the Special 30% Limit for Capital Gain Property made to 50% Limit Org's?.
  105. Which Organizations qualify for the 30% Limit on AGI?
  106. Which Organizations qualify for the 50% Limit on AGI?
  107. Charitable deductions
  108. Deduction of EMI of Housing Loan
  109. Medical insurance deductible?
  110. cell phone expenses
  111. Can the mortgage interest on Land intended to build a 2nd Home be deductible?
  112. Travel expenses for real property purchase
  113. nonmarried individuals
  114. complex casualty loss deductions strategies
  115. New Tax Law Changes for 2007-Mortgage Insurance Premiums are deductible!
  116. What deductions I can claim if I elect to Itemize on my tax return?
  117. Maternity expenses
  118. Can I file an amended return for charitable cash deduction?
  119. Mortgage Interest Deductions - Married Filing Separate
  120. Is the Property tax on a 2nd Residence Deductible?
  121. Why Taxpayers should review State Taxes paid in 2007 versus Sales Taxes Paid in 2007?
  122. Health Insurance premium
  123. Entertaining clients at vacation home
  124. Advisory fee deduction?
  125. How to devide up Itemized Deductions when filing Married filing Separately
  126. work food deductions
  127. Tax audit
  128. Franchise fee
  129. Itemized Deductions...
  130. Health Insurance Payments & Social Security Income
  131. What are the IRS rules regarding 2007 donations of cars exceeding $500 in value?
  132. Employee Deductions
  133. loss from former partnership business
  134. Home Equity Loan
  135. Pet deduction
  136. Is interest from credit card's deductible if funds used are for home improvement?
  137. Don't forget to deduct your Long Term Care Premiums!
  138. Are Home Equity loan interest deductible on my personal tax return?
  139. What items are tax deductible on my Escrow Statement?
  140. tuition deduction
  141. Points paid on refinance-Deductibility???
  142. Multi-State taxes paid