- Health care tax credits?
- HSA and Dependent Flexible Spending Account Questions
- 2016 partial HDHP for husband not wife
- 1040A Line 38
- health insurance penalty
- Can CANCELED DEBT (Other Income L-29) be excluded when computing 8962 Premium Tax Credit?
- Can CREDIT DEBT (Other Income L-29) be excluded when computing 8962 Premium Tax Credit?
- IRS announces Changes in Health Expense Accounts for 2015.
- Qualifying for health care exemption?
- HSA and tax deductions: prev. posted in wrong forum
- Form 8889 - HSAs
- How can a Taxpayer avoid the Obamacare Tax Penalty?
- What is the "Minimum Essential Coverage required by a Health Plan" by taxpayers in order to avoid incurring the Health Insurance penalty?
- Starting 2013, the maximum on deductions for long-term care insurance premiums has been increased!
- The threshold on medical deductions increased for 2013!
- Wheelchair Accessible (Converted) Minivan Question
- What is the impact on the Medical and Dental Deductions as a result of the possible Tax Law Changes in 2013?
- Limits on Long Term Care Premiums rise in 2012!
- IRS disallows S/E Health Insurance Deduction to offset S/E Tax Liability in 2011!
- Health Insurance Deductions 2011
- Small Business Start
- swimming pool install for medical reasons
- Orthodontist
- Form 8889 Help
- Long Term Care Disbursements
- Alcoholism treatment expenses - please help!
- Can Flex Plans reimburse Workers for Over the Counter drugs in 2011?
- ira cash out to pay for lasik eye surgery help
- How does a taxpayer claim the Qualifying Therapeutic Discovery Project Tax Credit?
- What are Qualifying Therapeutic Discovery Projects?
- IRS provides tax credits as part of the "Therapeutic Discovery Project Program".
- The New Health Care law offers "Small Business Health Care Tax Credit"
- IRS announces expansion of "Health Coverage for Older Children".
- service animals
- are medical bills paid from the proceeds of an insurance settlement tax deductible?
- Electric Wheelchair deduction?
- Vehcle Purchased for Medical reasons.
- Do I take deduction in year of service or year paid
- Are meals & lodgings related to long-term-care deductible?
- Who is considered an "eligible individual" for Health Savings Account?
- Under what circumstances are Health Savings Account (HSA) distributions tax-free?
- What are tax implications of the Health Coverage Tax Credit passed in 2009?
- IRS allows costs for setting up guardianship for Alzheimers patient to be deductible!
- What is the implication of retirees who get cash in lieu of medical coverage?
- Deductible Annual Caps to HSA's rise in 2009!
- 70 Commonly omitted "Medical Expenses" that are allowable by the IRS
- Whose Medical Expenses Can I Include under Medical Expenses on Schedule A?
- Handicapped Access Medical Deduction
- Is it possible to have both an HRA and an HSA?
- Who is eligible for Health Savings Account?
- Do drugs purchased from Canadian pharmacy online qualify for deductions on Schedule A
- What is included in the definition of Medical Expenses for Tax purpose?
- How much of "Medical Expenses" can a Taxpayer deduct on their Tax Returns?
- Are Long Term Health Insurance Premiums deductible?
- Health Savings Account (HSA's) Limits for 2007